Greenpoint Ferry Stop Reopening Monday
By Ian MacAllen on Friday, November 11th, 2022 at 10:13 am
The ferry will return to Greenpoint on Monday, November 14.
The floating dock at the end of India Street was closed last year.
The landing required maintenance to the pilings and closed in May of 2021 for repairs. Like most projects, it took longer than expected.
Previously the dock had been closed because of a dispute with a developer who had purchased an adjacent property and refused to allow access to the stop.
The east river ferry landings have been under going upgrades recently. The South Williamsburg stop was closed for several months and reopened in July. The construction expanded the landing to have two births.
The DUMBO landing was closed until June for repairs and upgrades.
The pet project of former Mayor Bill de Blasio is less popular with Eric Adams who has been looking to undermine the service. Expansions have been delayed.
Fares on the ferry service have recently increased to $4 a ride adding to the view that the service is primarily designed to serve gentrifiers.
The reopening of Greenpoint landing will likely impact the current schedule on the East River line. Delays are common.