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77 Commercial Street in Greenpoint Rising

By on Sunday, December 12th, 2021 at 5:48 am

77 Commercial Street in Greenpoint

A three-building complex is rising on the north eastern section of the industrial waterfront.

The towers will sit on a large, wide base. Eventually there will be towers with 40, 30, and 7 stories housing more than 700 units and an underground parking garage.

The development includes affordable housing units — but how affordable is still in question. The city made a clerical error on paperwork allowing rents on affordable units to be set much higher than intended.

The lot sits beside an MTA owned piece of property — 65 Commercial Street — that could one day become a public park.

In September, NYYIMBY had photos taken from Long Island City in Queens.

The Newtown Creek narrowly separates Greenpoint and Long Island City at this point. However, because of the angle of the Pulaski Bridge and location of access points, its close to a mile separating the neighborhoods.

77 Commercial Street in Greenpoint

77 Commercial Street in Greenpoint

77 Commercial Street in Greenpoint




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