416 Metropolitan Gets Bricks
By Ian MacAllen on Monday, November 28th, 2022 at 12:34 pm

A new retail and residential building on Metropolitan Avenue and Marcy Avenue is nearing completion of the exterior work.
The two-tone building has white brick on the lower levels and bronze colored cladding on the top floors.
The building includes 123 apartments and a little over 4,000 square feet of retail. 37 units will be reserved for an income restrict lottery.
The corner lot overlooks the busy and dangerous intersection of Marcy Avenue and Metropolitan Avenue. There is also an access ramp to the BQE which creates a steady line of traffic turning onto Marcy.
The site had once been home to a Capitol One Bank with a surface parking lot and drive-through. The bank closed a few years ago and the lot was fenced up and vacant until earlier this year when construction began.

The corner of the building has a pleasing rounded shape, although the angle is not nearly as sharp as the more famous rounded corners like the Flatiron building.

The Metropolitan Avenue elevations show a step back from the BQE. On the Metropolitan side, the building overlooks Our Lady of Mt. Carmel-Annunciation and the Sister Ncoderma Plaza. The plaza has been expanded in recent years with the partial closure of N 5th Street to Traffic.
Retail spaces in the building will extend the shopping district in the area as well.

Across Marcy Avenue is a playground squeezed between the embankment where the elevated BQE transitions from an elevated roadway to a sunken roadway. The big windows should have stunning views to the east with very little obstruction, but residents better hope they are sound proofed as it clearly overlooks the interstate highway as well.