Wild+Free Urban Kids Brings A Pre-Owned Children’s Clothing to Williamsburg
By Ian MacAllen on Tuesday, November 23rd, 2021 at 10:06 am

Williamsburg parents have a new option for their kids’ clothing in Wild+Free Urban Kids.
Anyone knows that small children can easily grow out of their expensive clothing long before its worn through making it the perfect secondhand product.
Wild+Free is bringing that clothing to market a block off Bedford Avenue. The new children’s thrift store for children’s clothing opened in October.
Just down the street from Mini Jake, a children’s toy and accessory store, Wild+Free is positioned perfectly to capture neighborhood parents.
The store has a large selection of children’s clothing and plenty of shoes. Winter boots are ready and waiting for the upcoming season.
For now the shop has limited hours — Thursday through Sunday, 11am to 6pm.
The address is 506 Driggs Ave, but the door is located on North 9th Between Bedford and Driggs.